📃AI Contract Scanner

This tool is currently in beta - Expect some bugs here and there

Our AI Contract Scanner is a powerful tool designed to automatically review and analyze smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. Currently in beta, this tool aims to provide users with peace of mind by identifying vulnerabilities and inefficiencies in smart contracts.

Our AI Tools will require WSKY to be staked in order to earn credits. Alternatively, you can purchase credits with BNB or ETH

Step 1 - Visit the Scanner on our Website

Step 2 - Enter an Ethereum Contract Address

Final Step - Click Scan


Automated Analysis

The scanner uses advanced AI algorithms to perform a thorough analysis of smart contracts, checking for common vulnerabilities and inefficiencies.

User-Friendly Interface

With a simple and intuitive interface, users can easily input an Ethereum contract address and receive a detailed report within seconds.

Real-Time Results

Our AI algorithms work in real-time, ensuring that you get the most up-to-date information on the smart contract you're interested in.

Revenue Stream

The AI Contract Scanner will contribute to WhiskeyTools' revenue stream by requiring WSKY tokens for premium features and detailed analyses.

Last updated